This has been literally the longest book I’ve read in my life – almost 1500 pages long – and yet it has been a slow and pleasant read. It’s a composition of many different erotic stories being that each one unfolds in pretty much the same way and manner: sex!!! Some are quite pornographic while others are lighter and even up to a certain point somewhat romantic. You can’t be a conservative person while reading this book because every luxurious and libidinous topic imaginable appears: from pederasty to incest, rape to sadomasochism, gays and lesbian intercourse, anal and oral sex, and on the list goes. It most definitely isn’t a book for most people and you need to read it a little at a time to be able to get to its end specially because it is really repetitive and can become quite boring if you try to read it all at once. I must even admit that many things about sex which I had NEVER heard or imagined existed I found out through reading this book. Many sexual fantasies were totally unheard of to me and a lot of times I caught myself not believing my own eyes. And yet this book was written many, many years ago so that just proves that since the beginning of times sex was (and still is) the biggest pleasure known to men – and women as well of course! The one thing I do wonder though is about the authors and how their own personal erotic experiments must have added to the salacious stories they have written. One of the stories for example is called “The Autobiography of a Flea” and it’s exactly that: a flea’s own porn autobiography telling what he sees in rich and eloquent English – one of the reasons for this is because it was one of the very first erotic novels ever written by a lawyer – think about that, huh?! In total there are eleven different stories in this large book. Below are their titles and a book review copied and pasted from someone that read it someday before. Here they go:

A Weekend Visit: A gentleman(?)is invited to the home of his lover. The weekend end is spent cavorting with not only the young lady but with her mother and young ward too. Not just one at a time too but with them alltoghether and with the ladies too finding the pleasures of their own sex. Interesting but downside is that only one man is present and the sex acts get rather repetitive.

Beatrice: This is a very literate book. It is written in a very different style from the normal books in the genre, and reads surprisingly well. Another major strength of this book is to convey emotions and feelings with amazing brevity. The story is told from a first person perspective, and the gradual sexual education of a young Beatrice at the hands of family and friends is very slow and delicious.The test of good erotica is that it should get you off, and keep you coming back to the same passages again and again, for more. This one is a true classic that way, comparable to the exploits of Mrs. Saxon, Lady Francesca Ballington, Eveline, etc. PS - if you are prone to being offended easily, why read erotica anyway. This one breaks a lot of taboos, and that is why I love it.

Justine: This work is the most celebrated of the novels of the Marquis de Sade. Execrated by de Sade's contemporaries, it is a novel of depth and psychological insight. It tells the tale of the virtuous Justine, who, forced to make her way in the world suffers frightful humiliations.
The Autobiography of a Flea: The Autobiography of a Flea is an anonymous erotic novel first published in 1887 in London by Edward Avery. Later research has revealed that the author was a London lawyer of the time named Stanislas de Rhodes.[2]
The story is set in France and is narrated by a flea who tells the tale of a beautiful young girl named Bella whose burgeoning sexuality is taken advantage of by her young lover Charlie, the local priest Father Ambrose, two of his colleagues in holy orders and her own uncle. Bella is then employed to procure her best friend, Julia for the sexual enjoyment of both the priests and of her own father.
The Pearl: Follow the story of Beatrice in Volume One, Lady Pokingham, where sordid adventures in the sexual underworld are commonplace, and virginal fantasies, flagellation, and Catholic guilt manifest themselves as streams of erotic poetry. In Volume Two, La Rose d'Amour, a young man is influenced by his lusty young cousins, who invite him to join an illicit club of debauchery and brandy-saturated orgies, where pearl necklaces and see-through negligees are the only dress codes required.
The Romance of Lust: This is not for everyone. If you are into incest, anal and homosexuality you may want to give it a read. It was a little too much for me to read at times.
Venus In India: Captain Devereux is posted to India, far away from his beautiful young wife and child, and at first is devastated at the parting. But when he comes across Lizzie Wilson, the wife of one of his fellow officers, her ample bosom and open thighs prove more than enough consolation. And when her husband objects to their dalliances, no matter—for the regiment Colonel's three young daughters, Fanny, Amy, and Mabel, are more than eager to be initiated into the ways of adult love!
Set in colonial Hindustan, each sinuous line in this tale provides proof that tropical heat and erotic lust are perfect bedfellows. Also known as Love Adventures in Hindustan, this story was originally published in Amsterdam in 1889.
Maudie: Maudie is an up-to-date courtesan of the 1920s. In her house on the banks of the river Thames she provides all manner of erotic entertainment for her circle of friends. However, Maudie and her companions are photographed by "The Daily Mirror" and are forced to flee the country.
My Lustful Adventures: A CLASSIC OF VICTORIAN EROTICA! In this exemplar of late 19th century erotica, the pseudonymous author describes the most memorable night of his life. Rescuing two high class ladies from ruffians, he is rewarded with a night of lustful adventures.
The Way of a Man With a Maid: The Way of a Man with a Maid is an anonymous, sadomasochistic, erotic novel, probably first published in 1908. The story is told in the first person by a gentleman called "Jack", who lures women he knows into a kind of erotic torture chamber, called "The Snuggery", in his house, and takes considerable pride in meticulously planned rapes which he describes in minute detail.
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