Ok, but the good side of this book is that it also showed (for those who dont already know this) that a supposedly "hopper" or "guy that breaks girls hearts" etc, etc. can also be a perfect, wonderful and kind boyfriend - all that is missing is for him to find the girl that he likes so much, but so much that he will become all that for her.
Thinking well now and also doing somewhat of a parallel... I see this happen the whole time with my students. I know my student is a womanizer, someone who is always making girls feel bad and "playing with their hearts" (well who said to give it up so easy to the first guy that shows up around the corner anyways, right?!) and yet once he finds "THE GIRL" - which believe it or not is always some young, naive, sweet, virgin and innocent girl - then they change totally and completely and become the best boyfriend ever just to make this young little one melt and smile with those adoring eyes towards them. Funny no?
Anyways, the this book is basically a guy that writes down his day to day life (I woke up, went to the bathroom, went to work, had lunch, came back home. etc. etc... you know how it goes!) and his first "relationships" (if you could even call it that!) and then finally on how he comes to meet this gorgeous girl called Juliana that is quite much younger than him and who he starts dating. It is always pretty much the same the whole book - never anything much different - but in the end he somehow looses her (okay, he looses her because he is quite stupid himself!) and then goes on to run after her and as the story says the main purpose that he wrote this book was to be able to get his love back. And that is how this book came out to be.
Book Review:
Os meninos são, sim, capazes de amar.
”Tem um ditado que diz que o amor é cego. É justamente o contrário.
Quando você ama de verdade, é capaz de ver coisas que ninguém consegue. Falam que você não consegue enxergar os defeitos, pura mentira também! Você vê, estão todos lá. Mas vê também algo que só você pode, como lidar com eles e contorná-los. Então, o amor não é cego, ele é a maior lente de aumento que já inventaram.”
Como acontece esta coisa chamada amor? Nasce junto com a gente, mas não depende só de nós. A gente sofre e faz sofrer, ama e é amado. E com isso aprende muita coisa. Lições que trazem consequências, problemas e soluções.
O preço desse aprendizado transforma o garoto em um homem. Esta narrativa, cheia de incidentes, mostra que – ao contrário do que dizem algumas garotas – os meninos são, sim, capazes de amar.
Quais as transformações que o amor pode provocar na gente? O que ele ensina? Qual o seu preço? Acompanhe a jornada de um jovem, transformado pelo amor, à procura dessas
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