Yes, I do. Reading this book now makes me feel pretty much the same way - protected and tingly all over. But it's also a book that makes you question and think. Quite thought provoking.
This was how I described it to a friend when I first started reading it:
"I started a book that is called "Amor em Minuscula" written by this Spanish writer Francesc Miralles... i think it has something to do with a cat and a lonely old man from what i read till now..."
That then progreessed to:
'The book has gotten better now... the cat led the boring man to an old old man (the boring old mans neighbor and the old old man sent him to get him a new train piece which made him bump into his first and only long lost love...but the boring man is such a jerk he doesn't even talk to her or anything...just crosses the road and that is it. well, all that to say it has gotten a bit more interesting "
And that is pretty much where I stopped. But if I would finish describing the rest of the book to this friend, this would be the ending:
"The boring old man has now gotten very interesting. He found out where his long lost love works. But she doesn't remember him. At least that means he got to talk to her, no? He met another man that is somewhat crazy and studies the moon. His old old neighbor is in the hospital so he is doing a favor by doing the job for the old old man...writing his book. Won't tell you the rest so that way you will force yourself to buy the book. Believe me, it is good!"
Last few words to say about what I learnt from this book: The contrary is convenient. Always act contrary to how you feel and you will receive unexpected results. It's all about doing the contrary from what your body is asking you to do. That is what this book was all about. You expect something from it but the book goes totally contrary to what you are expecting, catches you by surprise reading it in less than two days and leaves you with a good warm feeling at the end. Very convenient, wouldn't you say?!
Book Review:
"Na última noite do ano, Samuel, um professor, tem a certeza de que os 365 dias seguintes não serão muito diferentes daqueles que passaram - milhares de provas a corrigir e aulas a preparar. Em sua rotina, a atividade mais emocionante é a ida ao supermercado. No entanto, para não romper com a tradição, Samuel não se opõe às usuais 12 uvas e à taça de champanhe para celebrar o ano-novo. Na manhã do novo ano, ao se levantar bem cedo, o professor está convencido de que nada de insólito irá lhe acontecer. No entanto, um estranho ruído o leva até a entrada do apartamento. Ali, à soleira da porta, encontra-se um pequeno visitante. Com menos de um palmo de altura e dono de pêlos tigrados, um gato saúda com um miado musical o novo amigo. Porém, o que Samuel não imaginava era que aquela visita seria o começo de uma incrível transformação em sua vida. Disposto a não abandonar o novo dono, Mishima (nome recebido em homenagem a um velho escritor japonês) leva Samuel a conhecer Titus, vizinho com quem jamais trocara palavra, e o enigmático Valdemar. Desses dois encontros nasce uma curiosa e terna amizade que, como num passe de mágica, é responsável pelo reencontro do solitário professor com a misteriosa Gabriela... depois de trinta anos. Pela primeira vez em sua vida, Samuel tem a oportunidade de viver intensamente os pequenos acontecimentos cotidianos. Escrito pelo espanhol Francesc Miralles, Amor em minúscula é uma delicada e terna história de amor e amizade, que vai comover o leitor e revelar os pequenos segredos de uma vida plena. "
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