I know a LOT of women that need to read this book - not once, not twice - but many times over. Study, even memorize it of so good it is. The truths written inside of it show what we women are doing completely wrong when it comes to not only getting a man in our lives but keeping him in there as well - and I guess that over there is already a big problem...the fact that we feel like we must have one in our lives no matter what the cost; yet once we realize that they are not indespensible and that if it happens it happens then that is when things do happen. And if they don't...well you can be sure that wondering and bemoaning like a mad woman wouldnt do any difference as well.
There is one paragraph in which Sherry Argov defines the term "Bitch":
Bitch (noun)- A woman who won’t bang her head against the wall obsessing over someone else’s opinion–be it a man or anyone else in her life. She understands that if someone does not approve of her, it’s just one person’s opinion; therefore, it’s of no real importance. She doesn’t try to live up to anyone else’s standards- only her own. Because of this she relates to man very differently.
Altogether it is a summary of principles to follow and apply in your life so that you can get the most of not only relationships but your life as a whole as well. Repeating what I have already repeated above: most of the women do know the points already. It’s just that they don’t apply it the right way.
Book Review:
Why Men Love Bitches" is a self help dating book written by an author named Sherry Argov. For those of you who haven't heard of this book, it basically gives advice to women about what they should and shouldn't do when they start dating a guy, and even what they should and shouldn't do while in the relationship. She uses the term "bitch" sarcastically, as she is not referring to a woman who is mean, but a woman who doesn't give up for her life for a man.
The rules are simple that most of us know, but sometimes forget when we get caught up in a new love interest. They range from the basic dating concept of "don't sit by phone waiting for him to call" to the more advanced relationship concept of "don't give up your social life to be with him 24/7".
Basically what I took out of it is this: anything you chase in life runs away. You can keep a man interested if he feels like he never completely has you. It doesn't mean playing a game of hard to get all the time, but more so that you shouldn't make a man the center of your universe. Don't give up plans or doing things you like to be with him. Keep your life exactly as it was before, only add him to it. Don't stop going to the gym or start seeing your friends less, because then the guy will lose respect for you thinking your giving up things to be with him. See him when it's convenient for you. Don't be needy and clingy because then you become more a burden than a reward. Be confident in yourself and your good qualities and know that any guy would be lucky to have you and should treat you that way. If someone doesn't treat you well, then find someone who does. It's as simple as that.
Source: http://www.shvoong.com/books/1742512-men-love-bitches/#ixzz1m88Dihc0
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