
quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

Padre Cicero Romao Batista e a Familia Crajubar

Who wrote and gave me this book was none other than my English student, Laudecy Ferreira. She writes her life story and what her and her family went through – always having faith and calling out to the famous Brazilian saint, Padre Cicero. She begins telling her hard life in the arid and rough countryside of Juazeiro do Norte. In search of better opportunities and a better quality of life her whole poor family travels to São Paulo where she gets a job as a teacher – something which was always her dream. After a few years they journey back to Ceará, but this time to Fortaleza. From there on the book is filled with many modified Brazilian nursery rhyme, traditional songs and short poems. It’s a cute book written for children with lots of lessons and morals and a lovely ending. 

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